Search results for plain english

  • Privacy and personal information

    Found in Standards & guidance / Governance / Managing online channels / Security and privacy for websites / Foundations / Privacy and personal information

    If your agency collects personal information, you need to keep it safe and treat it with care.

  • Cross Tasman Collaboration - new insights driving a new industry

    Found in Blog / Published 08 June 2018 / By Belinda Yee ,

    Guest blog post by Belinda Yee, User Experience Research Lead, of the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO) Data61

    Regulatory systems are necessary, but often subject to change, hard to understand and difficult to navigate. The complexity of the law makes it difficult for businesses and the public to understand their entitlements, rights and obligations.

    This is as true in New Zealand as it is in Australia and elsewhere around the world, but a new in…

  • Game mashes up megatrends through the lens of wicked problems

    Found in Showcase

    The Megatrend Mashup card game was developed as part of the digital strategy work being done by the System Transformation team at the Department of Internal Affairs (DIA).

  • GEA-NZ dimension: Data, information and analytics

    Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Enterprise architecture / GEA-NZ  framework / Dimensions of the GEA-NZ framework / GEA-NZ dimension: Data, information and analytics

    The data, information and analytics architecture dimension is one of the 4 core dimensions that represent the operational aspects of your enterprise architecture.

  • AI – the increasing call for ethics and diversity in tech design

    Found in Blog / Published 19 June 2019 / By Marita Vandenberg ,

    Technology is becoming increasingly informed by artificial Intelligence. In this blog, Service Innovation’s Emerging Tech lead, Dr Hazel Bradshaw, discusses AI, ethics and responsibility.

  • The Service Innovation Lab needs you!

    Found in Blog / Published 19 September 2018 / By Darryl Carpenter ,

    We are an all-of-government service innovation lab enabling government agencies, NGOs, private organisations and the public to come and work together in a neutral space. We work in the open with a remit to create reusable components that can be applied and shared across many platforms and agencies.

  • Captions

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Accessibility / Videos / What makes a video accessible? / Captions

    Captions are text representing spoken words, such as dialogue or narration, and other meaningful sounds in the video.

  • Exploring optimistic futures

    Found in Showcase

    The Virtual Reality (VR) demonstrator creates a VR experience showing a day-in-the-life of a typical person in 2070.

  • ‘Listen up’ - democratic engagement and Twitter

    Found in Blog / Published 02 May 2018 / By Victoria Wray ,

    Opportunities for government to listenAs part of the Reimagining participatory democracy discovery at the end of last year I became really interested in how social media, specifically Twitter, is a space where people talk a lot about government policy. At the same time, it’s often hard for government to get good response rates to consultations, specifically from diverse voices. There seems to be an opportunity there - how can government (without being creepy) listen to what people are saying? Al…

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