Search results for plain english
Developing a digital identity trust framework — workshop findings
Found in Blog / Published 12 July 2019 / By Emma O'Connell ,
Emma O'Connell writes about the workshops underway to gather, check and re-check the evidence that'll help produce a digital identity trust framework discussion document for public consultation.
Security and GenAI
Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / Responsible AI Guidance for the Public Service: GenAI / GenAI foundations / Security
Learn about the key security risks of introducing GenAI to your organisation. Develop a list of considerations to ensure GenAI software undergoes basic security measures.
Autoplay is disabled
Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Accessibility / Videos / What makes a video accessible? / Autoplay is disabled
Autoplay is where a video is set to start playing as soon as the web page loads — it’s best to avoid this.
Cabinet Paper — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines
Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Standards Cabinet Minute and Paper / Cabinet Paper — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines
Background to the 2003 Cabinet Minute is provided by this 2003 Cabinet Paper proposing that Cabinet direct State sector organisations implement the New Zealand Government Web Guidelines.
Māori, Pacific Peoples, ethnic communities and GenAI
Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Artificial intelligence (AI) / Responsible AI Guidance for the Public Service: GenAI / GenAI and customer experience with government / Māori, Pacific Peoples and ethnic communities
In general, it’s important to protect an individual’s data and to ensure that it’s not used to create bias or harm.
People aren’t here to enjoy themselves
Found in Blog / Published 27 January 2014 / By Nathan Wall ,
A quote from the user testing we did on the site at the end of last year:
People aren’t here to enjoy themselves; they’re here to find information.
User research on beta.govt.nzSince we’re a beta site, we’re continuing to talk to users to help prioritise our development effort. We’ve already published a few things we learned and the assumptions we’d made that turned out to be false.
Our research objectivesWe explored 3 main areas:
Was the content on the beta site using the langu… -
Better Rules Hack - Wellington
Found in Blog / Published 15 June 2018 / By Nadia Webster ,
The Service Innovation Lab (the Lab) partnered up with Legal Hackers NZ and Accenture to run the Wellington Better Rules Hack as part of Techweek’18. This weekend event explored the ideas and practice of turning legislation into machine-consumable ‘digital rules’ that can be reused and integrated across domains for the benefit of government, businesses, individuals, and communities. Around 40 people attended the event, which was hosted by Assurity and sponsored by Accenture, Catalyst Cloud, Ensp…
Agenda for the Data, Digital and Security Summit
Found in Digital government / Data, Digital and Security Summit — July 2023 / Agenda
Check out the many topics presented and discussed at the 2023 summit.
Cabinet Minute — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines: Mandatory Requirements
Found in Standards & guidance / NZ Government Web Standards / Web Standards Cabinet Minute and Paper / Cabinet Minute — New Zealand Government Web Guidelines: Mandatory Requirements
The 2003 Cabinet Minute mandated the New Zealand Government Web Standards (then called the Web Guidelines) for all public service and non-public service departments in the State Services.
DNSSEC practice statement
Found in Standards & guidance / Technology and architecture / Government domain names / Manage your domains / Built-in security — DNSSEC / DNSSEC practice statement
On this page:
1. Introduction
1.1 Document Name and Identification
1.2 Community
1.3 Applicability
1.4 Document Management
2. Publication and Repositories
2.1 Official publication site
2.2 Publication of key signing keys
3. Operational Requirements
3.1 Activation of DNSSEC for child zone
3.2 Registration of delegation signer (DS) records
3.3 Method to prove possession of private key
3.4 Removal of DS record
4. Management, Operational and Physical Controls
4.1 Site Controls
4.2 Key Material…