Search results for plain english
Found in Standards & guidance / Strategy and planning / Digital lifecycle / Beta
… appropriate tools and quality assurance processes to ensure your content can be understood?
What specific design research has been done around issues like literacy levels and the readability of your content? Can your team help content owners write in plain English?
Are you planning an accessibility audit, and checking the basics during each sprint or phase of development?
In the desire to build the latest best features into your service, sometimes things slip through the design process. Simp… -
Redevelopment of the domain name service
Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Jason Kiss ,
… overview of the projects.
Redevelopment of - Jared Gulian (Principal Advisor Digital Engagement) and Nathan Wall (Information Architect) review how the new website will provide all-of-government information based on users needs, with plain English content and features that are easy to understand.
Domain Integrity Project - Rowan Smith (Senior Advisor Digital Engagement) talks about the current state of agencies’ web presence and creating an environment in which users can inte… -
Government Online Engagement Service (GOES)
Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Nadia Webster ,
… overview of the projects.
Redevelopment of - Jared Gulian (Principal Advisor Digital Engagement) and Nathan Wall (Information Architect) review how the new website will provide all-of-government information based on users needs, with plain English content and features that are easy to understand.
Domain Integrity Project - Rowan Smith (Senior Advisor Digital Engagement) talks about the current state of agencies’ web presence and creating an environment in which users can inte… -
Redevelopment of
Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Jared Gulian ,
… give us feedback on the beta site so that we can improve it. They’ll get a more consistent user experience, which will help them to interact with government more easily. It will be easier for them to find the starting points in government. And it’ll be plain English content, so it’s easier for them to understand.
All of our research is available on the Web Toolkit, so that’s And you can go there and have a look, read more about the project. And feel free — there’s contact d… -
Domain Integrity project
Found in Blog / Published 09 July 2013 / By Rowan Smith ,
… overview of the projects.
Redevelopment of - Jared Gulian (Principal Advisor Digital Engagement) and Nathan Wall (Information Architect) review how the new website will provide all-of-government information based on users needs, with plain English content and features that are easy to understand.
Redevelopment of Domain Name Service - Jason Kiss (Senior Advisor Digital Engagement) discusses how the Government DNS system works, and planned updates to the features and… -
Accessible language
Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Accessible language
Accessible language is language that includes everyone.
Client needs, business requirements and the redevelopment of the Work and Income website
Found in Blog / Published 23 August 2016 / By Alison Jack ,
… calculator that clients can use to estimate how much will be deducted from their benefit if they earn wages.
Good content takes time and effort. We wanted to describe complex processes in a way that was easy for clients to understand and navigate through. Plain English was our touchstone and we fought more than one battle around the wording we used. We didn’t win all the battles but I think we did win the war.
We brought in specialist content writers from Experience (now CreativeHQ, which is… -
Sign language translation
Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Accessibility / Videos / What makes a video accessible? / Sign language translation
New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) is one of New Zealand’s official languages. People in the Deaf community use NZSL to communicate.
Grammar and punctuation
Found in Standards & guidance / Design and UX / Content design guidance / Grammar and punctuation
An alphabetised list of best practice and rules for punctuation and grammar on public sector websites.
Report: Digital inclusion user insights — Former refugees and migrants with English as a second language
Found in Digital government / Programmes and projects / Finished programmes and projects / Digital inclusion / Digital inclusion research / Report: Digital inclusion user insights — Former refugees and migrants with English as a second language
Read the report on the digital inclusion of former refugees and migrants with English as a second language in 2021.