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Mahitahitanga Principle

Work as equals to create and share valuable knowledge.

Work with other agencies to create and share value together

  • Consider other agencies’ resource needs and costs if your agency relies on them to collect, store or use data, including applying good information practices.
  • Include a wide range of people in projects or activities that collect or use people’s information so capacity and knowledge grows. Other agencies may have an interest in using that information to improve wellbeing, and may contribute to exploring new ideas.
  • Work with others who collect data and information to minimise duplication, as well as the burden on people who gather or share information.
  • Work with iwi and other Māori groups as Treaty partners regarding personal data and information. Involve them in decisions over data and information issues that affect them.

Carefully share information so people get the support they want and need

  • Enable other professionals to support people by making sure they have the information they need to do their work, within what the law permits.
  • Recognise the diverse and complex nature of the services government offers and use it as an opportunity to connect with others to improve outcomes for individuals. In many situations, no single professional or agency will have the whole picture.

Grow collective knowledge and improve services through 2-way sharing of non-personal information

  • People’s non-personal information such as de-identified data, analysis, results and research findings can often be useful to others working with relevant communities.
  • Enable organisations or groups with a clear and legitimate interest to safely and easily access and use government-held data sets in a de-identified form for locally led development.
  • Share expertise and help others understand and use data accurately and safely, for example, ensuring that people are not re-identified.
  • Advocate for, and support ‘by / for’ research (like Kaupapa Māori) so communities or groups better understand their own goals and priorities and the needs of their people.
  • Create feedback loops with people and organisations who contribute data and information. Tell them the outcomes of any use of their data and the value it created.

What mahitahitanga means for DPUP

Mahitahitanga expresses partnership, collaboration and cooperation. It refers to effectively engaging with one another and working together as equals in day to day activities.

There is recognition that the value of the mahi is enhanced when everyone contributes their knowledge, experience and wisdom. It is a commitment to one another and the process.

When people are supported and cared for throughout the mahi, this provides and inspires valuable knowledge and insights that benefit everyone.

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