Search results for plain english

  • Pacific Peoples and their language

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Pacific Peoples and their language

    How to correctly name the language and people who are in the main Pacific ethnic groups in New Zealand.

  • LabPlus: The value of open data infrastructure for service delivery

    Found in Blog / Published 26 March 2018 / By Pia Andrews ,

    TL;DRThe Service Innovation Lab team work in a cross agency and user centred way to co-design and co-deliver better services for New Zealanders. In the process of doing so, we explore and test the validity of reusable components that can enable multiple life event based services as well as third party innovation.

    We recently worked with (a platform to discover and host open government data) to deliver “Services Near Me” on SmartStart. This work was a collaboration between SmartStar…

  • Inclusive language

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language

    Use the right words and markup so content is accessible and inclusive of everyone.

  • Walking the talk: Creating an accessible video about web accessibility

    Found in Blog / Published 18 October 2022 / By Max Olijnyk ,

    In 2022, the Communications team partnered with the Web Standards team at Te Tari Taiwhenua Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to create a video that would explain the importance of web accessibility and how public servants must make sure online information and services can be used by disabled people.

  • Disability language

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Disability language

    Use words and images that portray disabled people in ways that promote full equality, inclusion and participation.

  • Providing information in other languages

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Providing information in other languages

    Understand when to provide information in other languages, what to consider before you translate and how you can get information translated.

  • Gender-inclusive language

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Gender-inclusive language

    Gender-inclusive language is more welcoming to your users and promotes gender equality. Do not reference gender unless absolutely necessary.

  • Age-inclusive language and content

    Found in Standards & guidance / Content, design and UX / Content design guidance / Inclusive language / Age-inclusive language and content

    When you write about age, avoid using stereotypes or words that may discriminate against people.

  • 4. Be inclusive, and provide ethical and equitable services

    Found in Standards & guidance / Digital Service Design Standard / Principles / 4. Be inclusive, and provide ethical and equitable services

    Ensure services are accessible on a fair and equitable basis, incorporating the unique needs of individuals and community expectations.
    Design services which address cultural/language, disability, technological or access barriers to uptake.
    Provide alternatives where there may be a preference to interact with people instead of digital channels.
    Use plain language, be consistent and concise.
    Why it mattersDon't assume that everybody will be able to use your service. Make sure your digital se…

  • Disability Consumers Forum: What We Learned

    Found in Blog / Published 10 December 2012 / By Anna Pethig ,

    … target audiences. They see it as a way they can get their communications from us in one place—but we need to be posting really relevant and well-targeted information.

    Twitter—what’s that? Not the way these audiences want to interact with government.

    Plain English
    Plain English—wonderful! But we also need to provide pictorial or simplified versions, too, for people who have a learning or intellectual disability, low literacy, and for many in the Deaf community for whom English is a second lang…

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