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New Zealand Vision for Health Technology

The Vision for Health Technology outlines how we see technology shaping the way New Zealanders 'live well, stay well and get well' in 2026.

This Vision has been developed with engagement from more than 70 health professionals and consumers. Workshops were held in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch over four weeks in April 2017, supported by online discussions.

This is a ‘living’ Vision that will be refined and adapted over time in response to changing needs and emerging technology, as well as feedback from stakeholders.

The Vision will guide the development of the Ministry’s Digital Health Strategy and technology strategies by the sector. It consists of nine themes which will help guide how we use technology to ensure better health for all New Zealanders.

Digital Health website


The NZ Vision for Health Technology featured in the Digital Government Showcase, which was part of Digital 5 2018, the 4th annual gathering of the world's most advanced digital nations that NZ hosted in February 2018.

D5 group of digital nations

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